Clinical Study
The UPWalker® is the newest model of the LifeWalker Upright, proudly produced by LifeWalker Mobility Products and recipient of a 2017 Spine Technology Award presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society.
Research Shows - LifeWalker Upright Technology Outperforms Rollators and Walkers!
In a laboratory-based research study* with 30 walker users, the performance of the LifeWalker Upright (Model J100) was evaluated in comparison to a standard rollator or the participant's own walker device:
• LifeWalker enabled users to walk more upright, resulting in better back posture.
• Many participants reported LifeWalker felt safer and more durable than their usual rollator or walker.
• Users consumed less oxygen during a walking test leading to lower physical exertion, thus facilitating better endurance during walking while using the LifeWalker.
• The forearm support of the LifeWalker enabled participants to offload a portion of their body weight carried by wrists and lower extremity joints. This reduction in load on wrists and lower extremity joints, coupled with walking more upright, may offer benefits for individuals using a walker who experience back and wrist pain.
Click here for clinical study.
*The research study was conducted by:
Dr. Arun Jayaraman, PT, Ph.D.,
Director, Max Nader Lab for Rehabilitation Technologies and Outcomes Research
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago